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3 Reasons to Repair Your Crawl Space ASAP

Jun 20, 2024

Crawl spaces are part of many homes and are often used for utility access, structural support, storage, and more. However, if a crawl space isn't properly maintained, the space can quickly become a liability and a headache rather than an asset. When there is structural damage or water issues in the crawl space, it can create an inconvenient and hazardous situation. Plus, problems can escalate quickly. They often become more and more expensive the longer you put repairs off. Keep reading to see why you should look into crawl space services the moment you notice a problem.

1. Discourage Pests

Pests are a fact of life, and no matter how nice or new your house may be, pests can become a problem if they find any entrance into your home. Crawl spaces that aren't properly maintained provide an open door for pests. When cracks start to appear in your structure, pests will find their way into these cracks and crevices and ultimately into your home. Pests such as mice, ants, roaches, spiders, and more will become infestations quickly if they find an entrance into your home through your crawl space. You can contact crawl space services to ensure they don't get in to begin with.

2. Prevent Water Damage

Another danger your crawl space poses is allowing moisture to seep into your home. Crawl spaces need to have moisture barriers in place so that humidity, dew, and water of any type can't make their way into your home. According to ComfyLiving, mold only needs 24 to 48 hours to start growing once moisture is present in your home. Crawl spaces are adjacent to dark out-of-the-way spots in your home which is the ideal place for mold to start growing. Once mold has a foothold in your home, your family is at risk of health problems and your home will likely face further damage.

3. Improve HVAC Efficiency

Another big advantage of having crawl space repairs done in a timely manner is that it will improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. The efficiency of your HVAC depends on the air tightness and insulation of your home. When there are cracks or spaces in the crawl space area, you're allowing your heating and cooling to escape. This means your systems will have to work harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. You can contact crawl space services, though, to repair the issue.

These are just a few reasons you should take your crawl space repairs seriously. If you're looking for
crawl space services in your area, please contact BDry Systems of SW Indiana today.

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