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Water Damage Prevention Tips for Your Home

May 17, 2024

Water damage is one of the most common and costly problems that can impact a home. Did you know that, according to Yahoo Finance, by 2027, the foundation repair service market is expected to grow to a whopping $3.79 billion in value? From minor leaks to flooding disasters, water can quickly cause major damage that costs a fortune to fix. As such, preventing water issues is crucial. Here are some water damage prevention tips from our expert waterproofing company.

Inspect Plumbing Fixtures Regularly

One of the top things you can do is inspect plumbing fixtures regularly for any leaks or cracks. Look at all the pipes, supply lines, toilets, faucets, shower heads, and bathtubs. Even small drips can lead to mold, rot, and huge water bills over time. Catching leaks early is key. In our experience, it's best to do a plumbing inspection every six months on top of addressing any issues immediately. Preventing leaks will go a long way toward preventing water damage.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts

Clogged gutters and downspouts are common culprits of water damage. They can overflow and send rainwater seeping into your home’s walls and foundation. Make gutter cleaning a routine chore. Use a ladder to remove debris, or hire a professional gutter cleaning service to maintain them. In our experience, it's best to make sure downspouts direct water at least five feet away from the foundation. Functional gutters prevent costly water damage.

Watch for Signs of Leaks

Be vigilant in watching for signs of water leaks or moisture issues. Stains on walls or ceilings, musty odors, peeling paint or wallpaper, and mold growth are all indicators of water problems. If you spot any of these issues, inspect for the source of the leak right away. The sooner you can pinpoint the leak, the less damage will occur. Don't ignore subtle signs of water intrusion.

Address Landscaping Issues

Your home’s landscaping can also contribute to water damage if not maintained properly. Grade the soil so it slopes away from the foundation, allowing water to drain off. Use downspout extenders to prevent rain from pooling near the house. Keep plants, bushes, and tree branches trimmed back from the exterior. Addressing these landscaping factors will help divert water away from your home.

Consider Exterior Drains

As you may know, water building up around your foundation is the last thing you want. Fortunately, a variety of drainage solutions are available to help mitigate the issue. Some of the solutions we provide at BDry Systems of SW Indiana include drain tiles, French drains, dry wells, flow wells, catch basins, downspout lines, and more. Protect your property from water damage, mosquitos, and topsoil erosion by working with us to find the ideal drainage solution.

Install a Sump Pump

Sump pumps are essential defenses against basement water damage. They sit in a sump pit and pump out groundwater before it can flood your basement. Test your sump pump regularly by pouring water in to confirm proper operation. Consider installing a battery backup sump pump in case of power failure. An adequately sized sump pump will go a long way in preventing water issues.

Try the BDry Basement Waterproofing System

Looking for a comprehensive solution? Our team will install a piping system below the floor to remove water that would otherwise flood your basement. This system is specifically designed to address the most common causes of basement water leaks, meaning you can rest easy knowing your property is safe.

Be Prepared for Emergencies

Even with preventive measures, water emergencies can still occur. Store a water damage cleanup kit with supplies like mops, towels, gloves, and fans. Know how to quickly shut off your home’s water supply. Keep the number for a water extraction company handy in your phone. By planning ahead for emergencies, you can minimize water damage when unforeseen leaks or floods happen.

Protect your home from the risks of water damage by following these preventive tips. With diligent maintenance and preparation, you can avoid many wet weather woes and costs. Unfortunately, you cannot prevent all water issues in your home, so if you do need help, we're here to assist. Contact BDry Systems of SW Indiana today to learn more about our services.

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